Our selection of specialists cover the full range of medical issues encountered in traumatic and occupational injuries.
Are your physical therapy bills spiraling out of control? While computer bill audits may be able to provide some cost savings by reducing some line items, they do not address issues with the actual care being provided. Our Physical Therapists review not only the billings, but supporting documentation for the services provided.
All reviews are based on the Standards of Care provided by the American Physical Therapy Association Guide to PT Practice and the State of Michigan Office of Health Services Board of Physical Therapy General Rules. We monitor the quality of rehabilitation received as well as the appropriateness of rehabilitation received.
Our Physical Therapy Peer Review program holds providers accountable for both the standards of care provided and the documentation of care provided. Our Physical Therapy Peer Review identifies “Non-Restorative” treatment plans and puts the focus back on quality care for the patient to minimize the disability period, and provides the insurance carrier with a cost savings on both medical and disability dollars.
A select panel of board certified specialists in various fields of medicine are available to review patient charts and/or conduct clinical examinations to determine appropriateness of the course of inpatient or outpatient care. If requested, the physician will also make determinations on etiology or relatedness to a given exposure or incident.
Utilization and billing audits focusing on appropriate charges and frequencies of treatment are also available for impatient or outpatient.